Greek for Business
Title: Greek for Business Level: B1-B2 Publisher: Alpha Publishing Author: Collective work ISBN: 978-960-7329-64-6 Binding: Soft cover Availability: Released Weight: 0,660 Kg Shape (cm): 21Χ29 Pages: 240 + 240
“Business Greek” is aimed at students of an intermediate level (B1 – B2) and it develops their language skills in various contexts, such as a visit to a bank and various transactions, the office environment and e-commerce, making exchange and reading financial newspapers etc. The book’s main priority is to provide students with an extensive list of specific, business-related communication situations, focusing especially on the necessary vocabulary and the required grammatical and syntactical structures that constitute these situations.Knowing the Greek language for specific-professional reasons is imperative to all
foreigners intending to work in Greek businesses, either in Greece or abroad. Their integration in Greek society and the job market and the achievement of basic language structures and specific terminology were the main reasons“Business Greek” was created. It should also be noted that the Greek Language Center has established specific exams for Business Greek.
“Business Greek” was part of the European Programme Leonardo da Vinci (L/2003/B/F/LA-148105) and was developed by a team of Educational Organisations (ELBEA Ltd-Bulgaria, the University of Iasi-Romania, EKEA Ltd-Bulgaria, the University of Murcia-Spain, ELEA Ltd) with the coordination of the European Educational and Development Association.
Business Greek – Educational Material – Unit 1